Bad News- Why I Had to Postpone My First Marathon!

Hello my fellow runners! Well, I finally got the news- the bad news. I had to postpone my first marathon due to a meniscus tear.

As mentioned in my previous post, Hip and Knee Pain After Running Half Marathon, I suffered knee pain after completing my last half marathon. I tried MANY remedies, including:

  1. Rest
  2. Stretching
  3. Ice/Heat
  4. Massage
  5. Compression
  6. Muscle Strengthening (physical therapy)
  7. Acupuncture

While all of these were great, nothing stopped the pain when I attempted to run or when I bent my more than a 140-degree angle.

I did months of the remedies above. I only walked, never ran, because it would cause instant pain. After 5 months, I finally got an MRI! I prayed it would actually show something. I knew I wasn’t crazy. I started to doubt myself though and wondered if it was all in my head. Sure enough- it wasn’t. The MRI showed a tear in my meniscus!

Now I know I’m going to have to postpone my first marathon due to a meniscus tear.

Finally- a light at the end of this tunnel

Frustrated, yet relieved. I’m more relieved that I actually know what the problem is and that we can form a treatment plan to fix it. As you heard from my last post, I was to be running my first Marathon this upcoming weekend… needless to say, I can’t do it.

Fortunately, they are able to push my registration for the Parkinson’s Champions to next years’ Big Sur Marathon! What a relief!

I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon next week to find out if it will require surgery. And then I will be on the road to recovery with a plan! I haven’t posted much in Oroville Runners because, well, I haven’t been running- but I’ve been walking- a little!

The weather is finally nice, the sun is shining, and I am ready to get back out there! For now, I will continue to walk, but hopefully not for too much longer!

Here was my view as I walked the Oroville Dam last night:

One response to “Bad News- Why I Had to Postpone My First Marathon!”

  1. Marianne Pilgrim Avatar
    Marianne Pilgrim

    Sorry to hear about your knee, but glad you’re getting some answers so you can get on the road to healing. Looks like you did a good job of treating it conservatively. What a beautiful view from the dam! Thanks for sharing!