Hip & Knee pain after Half-Marathon

Hello all and my fellow runners!

What is happening and why am I experiencing so much knee pain?

I write today’s post to get some input from others who have experienced hip and knee pain after running a half marathon before that can give some insight or advise but also to share my experience with those who might be dealing with the same sort of pain and possibly get some answers as I go through this process. I also share at-home treatments that I am trying.

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On November 13, 2022, I ran the Clarksburg half marathon near Sacramento, CA! I haven’t run a half since 2019. I had been training for about 6 months or so prior to the half. I was in great shape, and I was feeling good about it. But since the half, I haven’t been able to run.

I had to wake up early and drive an hour and a half to the event. We had to park about a half a mile away and by the time we got there, it was time for the race to start. I hadn’t stretched at all. First mistake!

I hadn’t warmed up my body in any way. It was freezing cold outside. But I was feeling good, considering.

In March 2019, I ran the half in 2 hours 50 minutes and 21 seconds! I was shooting for at least 2 1/2 hours for this half marathon. I would need to run at least an 11 min mile to make that happen. Should be able to do that. No problem.

It was cold. Really cold. So, I just ran. I kept checking my watch and I was keeping under a 10-minute pace for the first 9 miles. I was feeling so good knowing I was crushing my goal.

Then mile 10 came and my knee and hips started aching. I had put some ibuprofen in my pack for after the race if I felt like I needed it. I popped them mid-race.

The second I would walk- the pain would go away. I would start to jog again- instant pain.

I kept just under an 11-minute mile from mile 10-12. The last mile took over 14 minutes. It was too much pain to run. But I beat my goal and ran the half in 2 hours, 9 minutes and 42 seconds! I was very happy with this.

I drove home (about an hour and a half) and I felt like I could barely get up to get out of the car. I could hardly move. Everything just hurt. My hips in particular and my left knee. I’ve been resting since.

It’s January 1st, 2023 (as I write this), and I have my FIRST FULL MARATHON coming up in April! Read all about the marathon I am running and why here. I’m doing in it honor of my dad. And I’m GOING to do it.

I haven’t run much since November. I’ve walked a little and tried to run once. It hurt too bad to do it. I figured my body just needed to recover and rest. So that’s what I’ve done.

It’s a new year and I’m going to get my body back in shape! And prepare for the marathon coming up!

I’ve looked at a few possible culprits for the pain I am experiencing to come up with a treatment plan that will heal my hip and knee pain for good so I can get back to my training program while I wait for an appointment with my doctor.

Possible culprits for my hip and knee pain after the half-marathon:

  1. Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome: Click the link for the article from Medical News Today for a full reading on the description and symptoms. The symptoms I am experiencing is:
    • pain when running or bending the knee
    • lingering pain after exercise
    • pain around the lateral part of the hip that gets worse if the activity causing the pain continues
This picture is from an article in Kinesiology & Sport Review: Iliotibial Band Syndrome (tsukinegradprogram.blogspot.com

There are some things about this syndrome that do not fit with my symptoms completely. The first is that my hip pain seems to be more in the tensor fascia latae area than where the pain is located in the photo above. Second, while I do feel pain at the side of the knee as pictured, I also feel the pain around the patella.

  1. Tensor Fasciae Latae Pain: Click the link for the full description of this pain. The symptoms I am experiencing is:
    • pain in the outside part of the hip
    • pain worsens when the affected muscle is being used
    • pain worsens when lying on the affected muscle.

What makes me unsure here is the knee pain. It doesn’t talk about any knee pain associated with this from what I can find. I understand that what I am going through could be a mixture of injuries too. And then I read about Runner’s knee.

  1. Runner’s knee: See Healthline’s description of Runner’s knee and symptoms. According to Healthline, “runner’s knee is a dull, aching pain around or behind the kneecap, or patella, especially where it meets the lower part of the thighbone or femur.” This is pretty spot on, although I do feel it more along the outside of the knee.

Treatments for all three of these are relatively the same.

  1. Rest
  2. Stretch
  3. Ice
  4. Massage
  5. Compression
  6. Muscle Strengthening

Steps I am Taking to Incorporate all 6 Treatments Above.

  1. Rest- I’ve done this. We are two months past the race and I should be recovered by now from any normal pain by now.
  2. Stretch- I’ve started participating in Hyperbolic Stretching Program. And oh my! What a difference! I mean, I have always stretched well. But here are so many stretches that I have never done! I’m so excited to see where I am at the end of this program! I will keep you all posted! This is a 30-day program.
  3. Ice- I’ve been icing my knee every other day right now to help with inflammation. This ice pack for knee relief is amazing!
  4. Massage- I have a massage therapist and she has been giving me a massage every 2-4 weeks to try to loosen the muscles. They are tight! A friend also recommended foam rolling. I have tried it in the past and didn’t notice much of a difference. I tried it again concentrated on the IT band and boy did it hurt. I’m going to continue doing this after my stretching sessions.
  5. Compression- a friend of mine on my Facebook Group Oroville Runners told me to try a compression sleeve. This is the one I got and am using it as I walk and will continue to use it as I increase speed and duration.
  6. Muscle Strengthening- I am incorporating some small exercises that should help strengthen the knee. I will post more on this later as I am considering seeing a physical therapist to help if all of the above don’t help.

I will keep you all posted as I go though my journey with my hip and knee pain after the half marathon. I am hopeful that I will be able to train and prepare for my very first marathon coming up.