
General Information

Lesley Nickelson’s (referred to as I, we, our, my) blog provides general information on various topics on this website as a public service, which should not be construed as health, financial, real estate, tax or legal advice. These are my personal opinions only.

The term “you” refers to anyone who uses, visits and/or views the website.

Please read this Disclaimer carefully, and I reserve the right to modify it at any time without notice.

By visiting and using this website, you agree to be bound by this Disclaimer along with our Privacy Policy. Your continued use of our website, programs, products and/or services constitutes your acceptance of future changes and updates to this Disclaimer. You must not access or use our website if you do not wish to be bound by this Disclaimer.

General Disclosure

Lesley Nickelson’s blog is a collection of writings on various topics, including but not limited to health, fitness, financial, real estate, and lifestyle subjects.

Even though I try to provide the best information and tips, the various information and ideas shared on this website should by no means be taken as error-free. They are only my personal opinions based on my own personal experience. I share things that have worked for me and about things I love using and therefore promote.

Lesley Nickelson’s blog is also a profit blog and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program which is an affiliate advertising program which helps me earn a small commission when I link to Amazon.com and when a qualifying purchase is made.

I am also an affiliate for other affiliate networks, companies and services which allows me to generate an affiliate link that can be included in my blog posts. This means whenever a reader clicks the link and makes a purchase, I earn a commission for every purchase made.

When you buy through an affiliate link, you do NOT have to pay more for the product. However, this affiliate earning is one of the ways we keep this website up and running.

Just because I am linking to a product; it does not change my thoughts and opinions on the product. The opinions are 100% my own and I would never promote a product which I haven’t personally loved.

Whether you purchase through a link is all up to you, but I only link to those products which I have personally used, enjoyed, loved and which I believe you might as well.