Books to read about Real Estate / Finance / Life

Here is a list of books that I HIGHLY recommend to anyone who wants to better themselves and their lives! The list in NOT in any particular order and I am adding books as I read more amazing books that I feel you should know about!

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Here they are…

  1. Can’t Hurt Me – by David Goggins. Man, this book kept me going! I would listen to this while running and it was so motivating! Life lessons here! Master your mind and become incredible.
  2. Rich Dad Poor Dad- by Robert Kiyosaki. Very valuable lessons here on your mindset and how to build wealth. They also have Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens!
  3. Wealth Habits- By Candy Valentino. I just finished this one! Another great book on building wealth by habits you can’t start implementing. I just saw Candy in person on stage at a two-day event I went to for real estate investing. If you want to learn more about the event, who I met and great people to learn from, check out my post, Interested in Real Estate Investing?
  1. Let Your Mind Run- by Deena Kastor. Okay, this one is a running book, but talk about motivational! Again, mindset… you can achieve whatever you put your mind to.
  2. The Book on Investing In Real Estate with No (and Low) Monday Down- by Brandon Turner. This is a great book when you are ready to start investing in real estate!
  3. Profit First- by Mike Michalowicz. Making your business profitable from the beginning
  1. The Compound Effect- by Darren Hardy. This is a great book to read at a young age. It really puts the compound effect into perspective.
  2. The Intelligent Investor- by Benjamin Graham. Praised by Warren E. Buffet as “the best book on investing ever written.”
  3. More to come…